- Shortly after the conference, we would like to publish your presentation (converted as a PDF file) electronically in the conference documentation on the BfN website. In case you
do not wish to have your presentation published online or you prefer a slightly altered version than that presented at the conference, we kindly ask you to inform the conference support team when
loading your file on the conference computer. Otherwise we assume your acceptance. Please check there is no conflict with copyright with regards to imagery.
- We will also publish conference proceedings with summaries of the presentations (1-2 pages; see the ECBCC 2013 proceedings as a reference). You can find the template file with the submission
guidelines for summaries of oral presentations here and for download further down on this
webpage. Please submit the summary of your presentation by 28 July 2017 to ecbcc2017@be-frank.de. The conference proceedings will later be available in pdf format on the BfN homepage and printed
copies will be sent to all conference participants.
- Presenters/authors using figures (e.g. photos, maps, graphs) within the presentation published on our conference website and/or their contribution to the conference
proceedings need to clearly name the source (even if the presenter/author created the figure herself/himself). In addition, first authors/ corresponding authors need to sign the
respective copy right
declaration, confirming that they have received for all figures perpetual permissions for publishing on the respective web-site and/or perpetual permissions for print within the meaning of
the German copyright law (this applies to both the print version and the digital version of the conference proceedings). For legal reasons we need this declaration even if the author created the
figures herself/himself. The declaration needs to be send either as scan to ecbcc2017@be-frank.de or by
fax to 0049 (0) 30 80 49 8 49 44 until Friday, the 28th of July 2017.
- We will also publish conference proceedings with summaries of the posters (1 page; see the ECBCC 2013 proceedings as a reference). You can find the template file with the
submission guidelines for summaries of posters here and for download further down on this webpage. Please submit the
summary of your poster by 28 July 2017 to ecbcc2017@be-frank.de. The conference proceedings will later be available in pdf format on the BfN homepage and
printed copies will be sent to all conference participants.
Authors using figures (e.g. photos, maps, graphs) within their contribution to the conference proceedings need
to clearly name the source (even if the author created the figure herself/himself). In addition, first authors/corresponding authors need to sign the respective copy right declaration,
confirming that they have received for all figures perpetual permissions for print within the meaning of the German copyright law (this applies to both the print version and the digital
version of the conference proceedings). For legal reasons we need this declaration even if the author created the figures herself/himself. The declaration needs to be send
either as scan to ecbcc2017@be-frank.de or by fax to 0049 (0) 30 80 49 8 49 44 until Friday, the 28th of
July 2017.